Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Steady Heart

Never take for granted the power of a steady heart...

We may wonder just what it is that allows one person to move forward in faith during a trial, while another is left standing in fear...The gift of a steady heart is the key that is held by those who are able to move through their daily challenges in this life, and believe me they come at you from directions that could knock us off our feet...

Proverbs 4:23---"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life..."

We must guard our heart...Keep the gate---"Word of God" in it and that is what people will see...  Those who guard their hearts are better prepared when satan throws those fiery darts at you where your weakest areas are...Keep them under prayer...Much prayer...

We succeed spiritually because we do not lose heart...Amen!!!

John 10:10---Jesus warns us that the theif does not come except to steal, kill and destroy...and that is so true...Well, if the enemy has stolen your is time that the saints of God join with you in God's army and go to his camp and take back what is rightfully yours...God's gift so freely given to the shedding of His precious blood...

We will be exposed to the theif...but Jesus made a promise to us that we do have a way to overcome...

A steady heart envisions a glorious future for the child of God...

Bill Clark sings a song, "Get Right or Get Left..."

To suffer here is a light affliction compared to eternity...

The Love of God will help you to have The Steady Heart...

God Bless,

Pamela K. Stewart

Keep Climbing

We must keep climbing and never settle for anything else...

As a child, I loved climbing this one particular tree in our front yard...til I saw a green snake in it...but the climb that I am talking about...many serpents cross our paths...God has given us power, through the Holy Ghost to tread on these serpents and the strength through Him to keep climbing...

Luke 10:19--"Behold, I give you power to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:  and nothing shall by any means hurt you..."

What a wonderful promise that we access that power from God Himself...

If we are not careful, the experiences that we come across our paths can cause the natural to take over and give in...That is why we must stay in contact with God daily..."...Go up to the mountains of the Lord where He shall teach us..."  Isaiah 2:3

The word "mountain" in this scripture actually amounts to His Church...and God has promised His people a nation that "CANNOT BE SHAKEN..."

Grab hold of the Cleft, the Vine, God's own Hand...Keep Climbing...I hear the view is beautiful and never dark on the other side...

God Bless,


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Distractions Are Deadly

 I was awakened long before dawn this morning by The Holy Spirit. He was flooding my mind and soul with a revelation on Distractions that I am sure will be as eye opening to you as it was to me. The very first words I heard Him say were, "Distractions Are Deadly."  When I inquired as to the meaning of this phrase His response was, "Distractions Lead To Detours And Detours Lead To Destruction." He said it has been this way since the beginning of time. Eve was distracted in the garden and the effects of that distraction have altered all of mankind. Sampson was distracted by Delilah and it cost him his future and the anointing of God. David was distracted by Bathsheba and fell from grace. Judas was distracted by personal gain and forsook The Lord Himself. The nation of Israel became distracted in the wilderness and an entire generation died there as a result. The list goes on and on.
 Then He revealed to me that there were those who attained greatness in His sight and in the sight of men. Abraham kept his eye on the mark. He believed against all odds and produced a son at the age of 100. That son was the beginning of a great nation. Job refused to be distracted in the face of unbelievable odds and the ridicule of his family and friends. As a result, he received double for his trouble. Noah spent 120 years preparing an ark of safety for his family and ultimately all of mankind in the midst of great persecution and ridicule. He never wavered.Stephen refused to lose his focus on sharing the love of Jesus Christ even while he was being stoned to death. And Jesus, for the joy set before Him endured the cross. As a result of this great example of staying focused you and I will spend eternity in His presence.
 There is great recompense for not allowing yourself to be distracted. Stay the course. Do not be moved.

"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved,"
(Matthew 10:22).


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

31 Days

I chose a month with 31...when 30 and an extra and February and more than an extra...
These are things we can do...and The Lord may show you different things, but it will be for His Honor and Glory...
Day 1----Pray and Thank God for another Month to continue His Work
Day 2----Take time to prepare yourself and visit a shut-in...
Day 3----Pass out Jesus Loves You tracts in enevelopes that you send back to pay your bills
Day 4----Smile when the cashier keeps saying I am sorry...and tell them that it is alright...I have been there too
Day 5----Spend some time with an ole friend...or new friend...
Day 6----Get alone with God and thank Him for the few days that you have had...and ask Him to allow the seeds to be    watered... 
Day 7----Worship the Lord in Spirit and we should everyday...
Day 8----Take some you time Ladies...
Day 9----Volunteer at a local school for anything....
Day 10--Rest
You get the picture...just think of the things you can do...there are people out there that we may not know yet that are waiting on us...they don't have to move...we have to move toward them...for that ONE...
God Bless,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Numbers Are Amazing

I was thinking about The Cross that Jesus hung on for us...Wow...not other would do that...He didn't want to...No mortal person would...thus the Spirit takes I said, this is me thinking...and I thought that it would be pretty interesting to show you all just where my mind went...And, then the tears began to flow...

The numbers went like this...

0---No bones were broken...not even be...nt out of shape...not even so much as crushed

1---Only one Lamb slaughtered for MY ATONEMENT...One that HE left the 99 for...One that HE left HIS HOME for...

2---Nature of Mortal and DIVINE

3---Significant deaths---One died in sin---One died to sin---and One died for sin...1+1+1=3

4---His divided garment

5---Major Wounds...He was wounded for OUR transgressions...Thank you Jesus for becoming submissive to the

Father's Will...

The wounds---Crown of thorns---dug deep into His skull.

His back whipped---those stripes have already healed us...His flesh was turned inside out...

His hands hung with spikes driven through them...

His feet crossed and a spike hammered them down...

His side pierced with a sword...and the blood ran a river that forgets our sins when we accept HIM!!!

6---Unmerciful hours of agony...This shows me that we too can make it...

7---Sayings on the cross

8---Days after the Resurrection---John chapter 20

9---gifts by Christ after His Ascension---1 Corinthians chapter 12

10--days between His Ascension and Pentecost

11--Apostles who waited in Jerusalem---Acts chapter 1

12--Disciples who turned the World upside down

While on the Cross, one devil dancing...laughing...thinking he had finally defeated his brother...Yet a theif found deathbed repentence...While some mourned Jesus burial...He was busy inside the tomb...making an entrance and took the keys from satan of DEATH, HELL AND THE GRAVE!!! HELL was having a ball, but when the devil heard the Master's Footsteps he began to tremble...and he is still trembling today...he knows he has lost...Oh what an amazing event in the graveyard on the third day...and Praise God, He is coming back for get this ME...number 1 to HIM...and you are number 1 to Him also...ain't that just a wonderful thought...If you don't know Him think about what He went through for YOU!!!

God Bless...
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