Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keep Climbing

We must keep climbing and never settle for anything else...

As a child, I loved climbing this one particular tree in our front yard...til I saw a green snake in it...but the climb that I am talking about...many serpents cross our paths...God has given us power, through the Holy Ghost to tread on these serpents and the strength through Him to keep climbing...

Luke 10:19--"Behold, I give you power to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:  and nothing shall by any means hurt you..."

What a wonderful promise that we access that power from God Himself...

If we are not careful, the experiences that we come across our paths can cause the natural to take over and give in...That is why we must stay in contact with God daily..."...Go up to the mountains of the Lord where He shall teach us..."  Isaiah 2:3

The word "mountain" in this scripture actually amounts to His Church...and God has promised His people a nation that "CANNOT BE SHAKEN..."

Grab hold of the Cleft, the Vine, God's own Hand...Keep Climbing...I hear the view is beautiful and never dark on the other side...

God Bless,



  1. Amen .. it is at the top of the stairs where I met with God in prayer :) We all have our own climb.. Amen .. Reaching Him at the highest level available to us .. Amen!

  2. Keep climbing!! I love it. Your blog is lovely. Your words are very inspirational.
