Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Joy that Jesus Gives

The Joy That Jesus Gives
The children of God, and especially The Church of God, should be a joyful people.  Where there is joy, there is a cause for joy.  Joy, is caused usually by a special occassion.  But, I am talking about a forever joy...That is the kind that Jesus gives...

Isaiah 12:3 "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation..."  I mean..., you don't see one come to the altar of salvation and leave with a sad face...I have seen the hardest of sinners come to an altar and walk away with such never thought that you would ever see the person smile...but when Jesus got ahold of them, they smiled from ear to ear...couldn't stop...Ain't that awesome???  The Joy that Jesus gives will make you shine...all the time...even when you feel the rain in your life is about to take you under and the storms are hurling faster than you care to think about...JOY!!! is what you can hold on to because it is from the Father above and MAN cannot take this JOY away from you...Amen!!!

The Joy that Jesus gives never changes under any circumstance, except to just grow stronger...Many incidents in the Bible talks about the miracles performed by Jesus, and His disciples...For example, the JOY being spread...True story, Lazarus, a dear and close friend to Jesus passed away...Jesus wept because of his family and friends unbelief...but when Jesus was three days on time, and called Lazarus, Come Forth...Oh the Joy on that day...I am sure that the people hurried with the news of this...JOY spread...What a miracle they witnessed!!!

My friend, JOY like this should be spread when we see one hit the altar of repentence---The healing lines of being freed from sickness---The testimony of someone down and out being lifted up---Praise God if He never did another thing for me!!! He has already done enough...About a year ago I was told that I had esophgeal cancer...showed the pics to my pastor---but guess what---GOD HEALED ME!!!  I was preparing to die, but God said, "LIVE..."   You talk about some shouting time...I had some...and still have that time today to think that GOD wrought a miracle in me...YES, I BELIEVE IN THE JOY THAT JESUS GIVES!!!

Salvation, Sanctification, The Holy Ghost, The Church of God, contributes to a permanence of our joy...We are  a special people to be called out and to be made known of part of the Mystery of The Church of God...and yet, we know not all...but on that day...on that Joyful Morning all will be made known...Don't cha wanna go??? WHEW!!!  I am about ready!!!

Jesus also had some things to say about Joy...In the 15th. Chapter of John, He had spoke of pruning the unfruitful branches from the true vine, and the keeping of His commandments, He said, "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might be full."  That leads me to believe the joy of the Lord is kin to a fruitful and obedient life, to the Word of God...Praise the Lord!!!

David said, "in thy presence is fulness of joy..."

The world would love to destroy us, but in Him we have overcome the world...  Jesus prayed for us to be when the enemy tries to steal your joy...Kneel down and pray for them...that is what the Bible tells us to do...

III John Chapter 4---"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth..."

See when we obey, we are giving God joy...and there is no greater joy than to know that we make God happy...




1 comment:

  1. Nehemiah 8:10
    Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

    This scripture has brought me MUCH joy... being faced with the death of a child.. the Joy of the Lord became my strength .. through ever hardship and trial .. sometimes God's answer is no.. and when it is.. We still need to find strength in our weakness as we look to and depend upon Him.. He makes us whole again.. and fills us with that everlasting Joy that is spoken about in the Psalms .. The Joy of the Lord.. is my strength and shield...Amen it is in Him and through Him that I live...

    Dec 21, 1981 I did not understand a lot of things.. but one thing I did understand my 21 mth old daughter had gone to live with Him ..

    My life had changed.. God began.. speaking to me.. it took me time to understand..His voice clerly .. but now in my life.. I do understand..

    He is my comforter.. my very best friend.. on whom I can always depend ... Jesus is my savior and one day I will go and live with Him..

    Psalm 28:7
    The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.
