Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bothersome Things

I never really paid much attention to little things that really bother me until lately...
Bothersome things...such as, being questioned by over three or four people about the same thing and you have already written and turned in a statement...What???
Do they not understand???
You have left your job and you are not scheduled back for two days...the job calls and wants to know if it would be possible to come back the same day...It might be possible...but it is looking slim to none...
Then you just gotta talk to somebody and tell them the dreadful things going on...then you remember...Did they ask???  Do ya really want to make them unhappy too???
Another bothersome thing...I am being made more aware that folks just really are in it for selfish...
Ok, then I said...Pamela, do the best you can the best that you know you can be and talk the best you should...then I got mad because in the real world even that doesn't work...
And, another thing...I get really ticked when I am asked to do something that the asker will not even do...No!!!  That is your assignment for the day...then they really make it hard for I just say...Ok...I will do it this time, but I am gonna talk to my supervisor about they back off everytime...
I am just really annoyed and think that it is time that I took actions in to my own folding them and asking God to help me not be so easily annoyed and to be easily ready to help and overlook that the person, or persons annoying me...they are doing their best too...

October 23rd...2010


  1. Keep doing what your doing and know
    Father Knows Best
    Remind yourself this is only a test
    He will guide your footsteps
    He is the Father and He knows
    All of those bothersome things
    that need to be told
    And in His time trust me when I say
    They will All be exposed....

    I Love you my sister friend ..
    If you need to talk...
    you have found where I walk ...
    it helps to take the hand of a friend ...
    Someone who can understand..
    what is written with your paper and pen..
    Love you bunches.. my sister friend!

  2. Thank you Lisa...yes...I do know that Father knows best...but Pam's Self wants to handle it and I really don't need to do this...they just keep pushing my buttons and one day they all gonna pop...LOL...Love ya...

  3. So glad you called today.. Finally after 7pm that headache went away .. I took my old meds.. which I guess I should have done in the first place.. when something works.. why change it ... Monday I will be calling the Dr.. Everything she is NOT working .. message me in fb... what you suggested.. not being a nurse.. I sure can not remember
    OH an just thinking of the song... Pop... goes the wheasel... lol .. you are much stronger than me.. I would have flipped a long time ago..
