Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Have I Done???

I Samuel 17:29  

"And David said, What now have I done?  Is there not a cause?"

When the small frame shepherd boy came to the scene of the battle, he couldn't believe he saw Israel still in the face of Goliath's taunts...

Israel---Children of God
Stand Still---fearing what the enemy was telling them...

David was amazed by their fearfulness of the enemy...Especially after knowing of the King's rewards...

See, David loved God and even though he wasn't as seasoned as the elders, he declared war against the enemy of God...

You have men and women, governments and nations waring for a cause...David had a zeal for the Word of God...Psalm 119:139 "My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words."

Galations 4:17-19 "They zealously affect you, but not well; yea, they would exclude you, that you might affect them.  But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you.  My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you."

WOW!!!  David said it all by asking.."What have I done???"

Well, what have we done for the cause of Christ...

Have we stood up against our Goliath???

Have we let him taunt us til we fret???

We were created by God for God...We were called out of our sinful state to be something for God...Called to stand up for the cause of Christ...

What have I done???  I have made up my mind that I will wear the whole armor of God and stand up to my Goliath, knowing that God is on my side and silence the enemy of God's children...

He has been taunting God's people for years...I am tired of it myself...

I am tired of bowing down to him...

We must become faithfully seasoned in The Word of God and Fight the Enemy with the Spirit of God...and bid him farewell...

October 21st...2010